Local coffee shops can be one of the best attractions in a small town or suburb like Van Alstyne. The right local coffee shop can have people driving miles to get to it, skipping right over big chain coffee shops just for that little something extra. But what makes a great local coffee shop? We are going to go over different factors that make someone skip right over a chain coffee shop to go to a local coffee shop.
The Coffee, of Course
We are talking about coffee shops, so this may seem obvious, but it still bears mentioning. One of the hallmarks of a good coffee shop is, what else, great coffee. There are plenty of large chain coffee shops that sell decent coffee. But for those who are looking for specialty craft coffee, local coffee shops are the place to be. Here at Honeylu’s Coffee, we serve single-brew craft coffee that keeps our customers coming back for more.
Local, Extra Flair
When you walk into a chain coffee shop, they pretty much look the same. Let’s face it, if you have been to one Star Bucks, you have been to them all. A great local coffee shop has a different feel. Whether it’s a very country feel, like our Van Alstyne coffee shop, or an art gallery feel, local coffee shops offer a very different feel and flair than your big box chain coffee shops.
Approachable, Friendly Staff
The staff of a coffee shop can make or break the whole experience. Some boutique coffee shops can come across as a bit elitist. Here at Honeylu’s Coffee, we’re very selective with our staff and only hire friendly and welcoming folks who’ll never ostracize or belittle those who may lack the culinary knowledge that we do. Our goal is to answer any questions you have about our craft coffee or any of the delicious food that we prepare. We want our customers to feel like family!
Community Involvement
In order to have a really great local coffee shop experience, the term “local” should mean more than just the location. There is just something special about going to a local coffee shop that gives back to the community they serve. Whether it’s local events, or supporting local businesses and artisans, a respectable local coffee shop should be engaged with the community it serves. If you want to see what type of local community involvement we do, check out our post Supporting the Local Community.
Another point that may seem obvious, but it really does affect the whole local coffee shop experience, is free internet access. Whether you go to a local coffee shop to work or just listen to some great music, if you don’t have good internet access, it can ruin the whole experience. Here at Honeylu’s we understand being able to access the internet for whatever your needs are is extremely important.
Here at Honeylu’s, we feel we have all the ingredients for a great local coffee shop. Come check out our coffee shop in Van Alstyne or book our mobile coffee truck, The Speedy Bean, for events here in the Dallas area.