Benefits of Working From a Coffee Shop

Working in a coffee shop has become increasingly popular since wifi came along and it’s no wonder why. Working in a coffee shop instead of at home or in a cubicle has plenty of benefits. So, whether you are a seasoned remote worker than has worked from your laptop since before the pandemic or have discovered working from home since the dreaded year of 2020, if you have not given working from a coffee shop a try, you should! Here are some benefits to working from a coffee shop.

You’re More Productive.

It’s easy to get distracted when you’re working at home. Things always need to be done around the house, and it can be tempting to take a break. But there are no distractions when working in a coffee shop. You’re there to work, and that’s all you can focus on. This can lead to a significant increase in productivity.

In addition, working in a coffee shop can also help to boost your creativity. It can be inspiring when you’re surrounded by other people working on their own projects. Hearing the clink of coffee cups and the sound of typing can also help to create a productive ambiance. Research has shown that a moderate level of ambient noise, such as the clattering of plates and the whir of a coffee machine, improves performance on creative tasks. If you normally work from home, the simple change of location to a coffee shop can give you a dopamine hit and essentially create a blank canvas in your mind in which helps you get your tasks done.

Meet New People.

Because coffee shops are usually located in busy areas, they offer ample opportunities for networking and meeting new people. Meeting new people from different walks of life can help create inspiration. That inspiration does not have to directly connect with your project working in order to help. Just hearing someone’s story can possibly buckle down and get you going on a task you have been procrastinating on. In addition, coffee shops are usually filled with other freelancers and entrepreneurs, so you might even end up meeting some potential collaborators. This is a great way to expand your network and meet new people who can help you in your business. So, if you’re looking for a great place to meet new people, a coffee shop is the place to be.

Great Way to Save You from a Bad Routine.

There’s something comforting about predictability. Humans are creatures of habit. However, it is very easy to lull into a unproductive routine and not even know it. Going to a coffee shop can be a great way to break up the day, snapping you out of the unproductive routine. Breaking the cycle with some new surroundings can help inspire new workflows and habits. An article from Psychology Today stated” Sometimes a fresh environment is all you need to kick your brain into gear”

Save Money and Grow Your Business

If you are a contractor or run your own business, working from a coffee shop can have special benefits for you. You can deduct your business expenses from your taxes. This includes the cost of your coffee and any other business-related expenses you incur while working at the coffee shop. This can help to offset the costs of running your business, making it more affordable in the long run. In addition, working from a coffee shop can help you to build important relationships with other entrepreneurs and business professionals. These connections can be valuable assets, providing you with networking opportunities and potential partnerships. Overall, working from a coffee shop can be a great way to save money and grow your business.


Working from a coffee shop can be a great way to change your routine and be more creative and productive. For one, it can help to provide a change of scenery when you’re feeling bogged down by work. The low-key atmosphere and background noise can help some people focus better. And finally, working from a coffee shop is also a great way to meet new people and build your professional network. If you’re looking for a change of pace, working from a coffee shop might be the right choice.

Come by if you are looking for a change of scenery and get some work done. Honeylu’s has two local coffee shop locations you can stop by, one at 1170 N. Preston Rd Suite 130, Prosper, TX 75078 and the other is 990 W. Van Alstyne Pkwy Van Alstyne, TX 75495.